Who do I work with?

I carefully choose organizations and individuals that I want to work with. Organizations and individuals I work with should be willing to change, be coachable, and be willing to do the inner work. I have created tools, frameworks, and resources that I offer to my clients. I also provide list of recommended readings, podcasts, and articles for furthering their knowledge. I create everything I use in my practice and therefore, hold not only the intellectual ownership rights to them but also the ability to customize them for each situation. I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all philosophy, so I carefully curate all the material I bring to my clients. 

I am at a stage in my life where respect, equity, inclusion, and belonging are very important to me. They are core to who I am and go beyond values (and that is why you don't see them listed as my values) are essentially form part of my DNA. If I feel disrespected or excluded or see either of those behaviours being demonstrated toward individuals I am working with, I will end my relationship with the client. 

If you choose to work with me, it is because our values align and we are fundamentally interested in advancing systems change together even if it requires us to change our behaviour, address our biases and blank spots, and unlearn. 

Social Impact Organizations



If you are ready to work together, connect with me today!