Tools, Resources, Frameworks

I have carefully curated and created these tools and resources. Where the tools and resources belong me to me, I have noted that. Where I am referencing to tools and resources created by others, I have noted that and mentioned it clearly. Please feel free to use these tools and resources as you see fit. All I ask is that you credit me or the original creator appropriately in your work. If you'd like a workshop or training on any of the tools or frameworks I have listed below, please reach out and we can discuss. 

Confidence Wheel

At a point in my career when I was the lowest, through Executive Coaching, I created this wheel of confidence for myself. Each month (and sometimes only every quarter), I added things that gave me confidence. I encourage you to create your own wheel of confidence. 

Emotions Wheel

I love this wheel created by Aby VanMujien. I use this all the time to find words, emotions, and feelings whether I am in a happy or a sad situation. Use this to add emotional vocabulary!

Emotions Wheel - Somatic Version

This somatic version - also created by Aby - is awesome. It helps you understand where you feel the different emotions in your body. Check it out and see whether you resonate with it or not. 

Emotional Spectrum

When we are emotional, we often know where we stand and where we need to get to but we forget that the journey from the current state to ideal state is not a straight line. We go through many other emotions in the middle. So, I created this emotional spectrum framework so that when it is used in combination with the emotions wheel, we can map all the emotions we are feeling right now, all the emotions we want to feel at the end, and all the emotions we well feel while getting to our ideal state. It's sort of like a railway line, you know the end and starting point but you also need to know the stops on the way where people will come and go, so you know the ebbs and flows of the train traffic. Similarly, this framework helps you identify the ebbs and flows of your emotional state. 

Perspective Change

I have been working with some individuals to help them change their perspective towards themselves. How they view themselves and their capabilities. I created this perspective shift framework so they could again navigate the multitude of perspectives they have towards self before they get to one that makes them feel satisfied, is rooted in abundance and growth, and moves them away from limiting beliefs. 


Adapted from Holon Leadership, this growth framework helps us look at the different seasons in our life and helps us answer the following questions: 





Johari Window

I find the Johari Window framework created by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham very helpful in thinking about self-awareness, inner work, and growth. It focuses on identifying parts of yourself that you know, others know, that you don't know, and that no one knows. This type of deep inner work can help unearth some surprises! 


S-curves or growth curves help us realize when we have reached the top of our game in a particular skills, situation, or decision, and what we must do to jump to the next S-curve/growth curve. The jump is the hardest part. This is where you need to use your past experience, your confidence, your decision-making skills to take the calculated risk and land on the next S-curve. Coaching can help you develop that mettle to make the transition to the next S-curve easier.